6 Unhealthy Habits You Must Give Up Before Entering 2023

One’s routine habits and choices have a significant impact on their health and well-being. You may not realize how small and trivial choices in routine can lead to unmanageable consequences later on. For instance, choosing junk food at snack time may satisfy your cravings but not the nutritional requirements. The same goes for spending late nights on screens.

Making unhealthy choices or tending to your temptations once in a while is not that problematic. But if you give in to temptations, acquire unhealthy habits, or develop an addiction, you will expose yourself to many challenges. Unhealthy and addictive habits can also lead to many healthcare problems. So, make the right choices starting from today. Withdraw or replace unhealthy habits and welcome the new year with an optimistic mindset and attitude.

The following sections explore some unhealthy habits and how you can switch them with healthy ones before entering the new year.

Excessive alcohol drinking

Excessive alcohol use is not only morally and socially wrong, but it has severe consequences for health and well-being. Alcohol addiction is a healthcare condition that further promotes other health issues. Hence, do not let another year pass by. Make the right choice at your earliest before your addiction becomes unmanageable. Seek expert assistance at credible rehabilitation centers like the Palm Beach institute. Their experts help with a guided therapy program specific to the addiction and its severity. For instance, their 12-step program is well known for withdrawal from alcohol and other addictive drugs. You will experience positive changes in no time by following a 12 step program at the rehabilitation center.

Their step-by-step process introduces gradual changes to help you withdraw from addiction without serious healthcare complications. Therapy may seem lengthy, but you will get through the rehabilitation process in no time. The first step begins with your acknowledgment of an addictive habit. The rest of the journey becomes easier once you make up your mind and endeavor for sobriety.

Late-night screen time

Late-night screen time is a universal trend among all age groups. Many do not use screens for something constructive but waste time on entertainment. But try to ponder objectively. What will you gain from wasting precious sleep hours on a trending TV show or binge-watching Netflix? A momentarily thrill and excitement, and that is it. But temporary happiness cannot compensate for the damage from sleep deprivation.

Studies reveal that evening time on screen can undermine melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a hormone crucial for falling asleep, maintaining a healthy sleep cycle, and reducing stress levels. Compromising sleep every day triggers a chain of unhealthy reactions in your body. One can develop insomnia, gastrointestinal malfunction, lower immunity, hypertension, and many other physical and psychological health conditions. Hence, address your behavior and change your routine for good. You do not need an adrenaline rush before bedtime, so put aside your electronic gadgets a few hours before bed.

Skipping daily exercise

Exercise is not a priority for many these days. Everyone feels preoccupied, even if they do not have anything specific on their agendas. Many cannot spare even fifteen to twenty minutes of physical workouts in a busy lifestyle. But exercise is not a luxurious or needless choice that you would trade off with something affordable or important. It is as essential for your well-being as food and sleep. Exercise assists and boosts bodily functions and improves the quality of life. Better sleep, emotional stability, and a productive routine are a few of the immediate benefits of exercise.

Otherwise, an inactive lifestyle can put you at a higher risk of health issues like chronic stress, anxiety, depression, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and others. Hence, limit your sitting and inactive time and incorporate healthy heart-racing activities into your routine. Spare some time from your day and make these exercises a part of your lifestyle. Try a mix of moderate to intense exercises like jogging, stretching, cycling, running, swimming, and hiking.

Munching on junk food

Eating junk food sometimes is okay, but making it a habit is unhealthy. Junk foods have lower nutritional value and loads of carbs, unsaturated fats, and spices to taste better. Munching on junk food will deprive your body of these nutrients to function well and healthily. Your body needs a mix of all the nutrients, including vitamins, fiber, carbs, fatty acids, protein, and minerals. Hence, choose healthy foods like fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, fish, seeds, organic dairy products, and whole grains.

You don’t have to punish yourself with a strict dietary routine. You can satisfy your cravings for greasy, spicy, and sugary foods but do not overconsume them. Take them in small portions and fill the rest of the plate with nutritious options. But if junk food is somehow your scapegoat for stress, anxiety, or other worries, seek proper help. Using food as an excuse will not solve your problem but promote other health issues.

No sun exposure

At present, a majority of people spend their entire day in indoor spaces without natural light. Working professionals’ routine revolves around their desks and offices. Kids and youngsters spend their days in daycare centers, classes, laboratories, or libraries. Everyone again ends up inside the four walls of their homes. Hardly does anyone make a deliberate effort to get sun exposure. Many think sunlight exposure will harm their skin and cause skin cancer, so they prevent sun exposure. But no sun exposure at all is also unhealthy. Sunlight helps the body make vitamin D. The vitamin is essential for stronger bones and immunity. Better immunity means you are resilient against many healthcare challenges.

Sun exposure also boosts serotonin production, which promotes a happy mood and minimizes the risk of developing depression. It may seem insignificant, but sun exposure is crucial for your health. Hence, make a deliberate effort to spend at least ten to fifteen minutes in morning sunlight every day. But remember to use sunscreens and other protective products against sunburns and harmful ultraviolet rays.

Overlooking personal hygiene

Personal hygiene is vital for health and well-being. It shields against preventable illnesses and helps save on healthcare expenses. You are also more productive and diligent in your responsibilities if you’re healthy and fit. Well, these are not unknown facts. Yet, many do not know the proper ways to practice hygiene. For instance, many skip or postpone brushing after meals and snack time. Either way, food remains, and saliva secretion can facilitate the growth of bacteria. Eventually, your carelessness can also promote mouth infections, cavities, and gum diseases.

Likewise, many do not change their clothes after spending an entire day outside at work or other engagements. But your clothes can carry harmful and disease-causing germs that you can pass on to other family members. Hence, wash and change your clothes as soon as you return home. Do not sit on sofas or beds until you have worn a clean outfit. It may be tempting to rest for a while, eat something, or watch TV and wash later on, but carelessness can put you and your family at risk of infectious illnesses. Thus, make a little bit of effort every time you go out.


Undeniably, your well-being is the sum of all your habits. You will jeopardize your health if you keep watering unhealthy habits. Thus, replace unhealthy habits with healthy ones before entering a new era of your life. It is not impossible to break the grip of long-term habits or addictions. Withdrawal may seem unachievable, time-taking, tiring, and costly. But constant thoughtful efforts will help you achieve self-control and make healthy choices. Seek counseling and therapy services if your habits are unmanageable.

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