4 Ways To Raise Mental Health Awareness In Your Community

Mental illnesses are marked by a state of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral imbalance or disruption. Even though people are generally well-aware of physical illnesses that affect other areas of the body, there is a lack of proper understanding of mental disorders.

Moreover, there is an overwhelming stigma associated with this illness. People are afraid to express or disclose psychological issues as it is considered eccentric and weird.

According to WHO, about 1 in 8 or 970 million people worldwide are suffering from some form of mental illness. Since these numbers are staggering, there is a great need to increase awareness about mental health.

Following are five ways to raise awareness about mental health in your community.

1. Donate or volunteer for a mental health organization  

One of the ways you can spread awareness is by getting a hands-on experience yourself. Various mental health organizations and facilities operate via donations. You can donate money to facilitate their infrastructure, newsletters, pamphlets, and other media outlets. In this way, you will not only serve the treatment of patients but also help spread awareness. These donations are also utilized in the arrangement of various workshops, conferences, and seminars that disseminate a lot of important and interesting information about mental health.

However, if you are on a low budget, you can simply become a volunteer. You will work with patients with various disorders like depression, dementia, or ADHD. Volunteers escort patients to a club room or center where they are encouraged to participate in various activities like needlework, board games, arts and crafts, etc. In addition, volunteers can also help with other day-to-day work like cooking, cleaning, and therapy assistance.

Volunteering for community mental health services will enhance your understanding of various disorders. This, in turn, will help you in spreading awareness. Once you gather enough experience and expertise, you can narrate your story in your community to help others with the illness.

2. Learn through books, blogs, and research 

Apart from learning through first-hand experience, you should also learn through extensive reading. Numerous books have been written on the subject by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health experts. The books provide the background, epidemiology, case history of patients, research, experiments, and modes of treatment.

Besides fact-based books that address raw data, thousands of self-help, motivational and inspirational books by life coaches are also part of the mainstream culture. Such books talk about enhancing your self-esteem, optimism, happiness, purposefulness, and overall character development.

You can also read certain blogs online, join forums and watch docudramas about mental health.

3. Spread the message about mental health

Talk about mental health openly

Once you understand these subject matters, you can pass on this knowledge via various means. Social media is a powerful tool when it comes to spreading information quickly. An online blog on Tumblr, Facebook posts, and even a YouTube channel can serve the purpose. You can spread info in your community by sharing posts and video diaries.

Sharing your personal journey and account is also going to be beneficial. If you have been a patient of some mental illness like depression, you can talk about your experience. Discuss it openly without fearing any judgment, bias, or taboos. Inform people about your diagnosis, your family’s attitude and support, and your treatment plan. You can also share some tips on overcoming self-doubt and embracing yourself.  

Moreover, you can learn basic Photoshop and produce numerous informational photos to post on your Instagram account. In addition, you can write op-eds and articles in your local magazine. You can also distribute leaflets and pamphlets consisting of small snippets, anecdotes, and facts.

Decrease stigma around mental health

According to the CDC, about 50 percent of people struggle with mental health. However, there is a lot of uncanny stigma around mental health. Even in well-educated circles, people are unable to accept the reality of this illness.

Since there is a lot of denial and taboo, mental health patients often suffer in silence. They are afraid to voice their pain because of societal biases and judgments. Parents refuse to acknowledge their child is ill. Despite all the treatment options available, there is very little awareness.

You can help decrease stigma by informing people about the true nature of such an illness and why it is a public healthcare emergency.

You can talk to people about the adverse consequences of leaving people undiagnosed, untreated or mistreated. Inform them about issues like self-harm, radical behavior, addictions, and suicide. Once people realize that the negative repercussions of not accepting this issue are far worse, they will begin to understand.

4. Support people through counseling

Even though it is the job of a professional therapist to aid with mental health issues, you can also serve a role in your community. Once you have some knowledge and experience about these issues, you can use that to counsel people.

Since people are reluctant to come forward and share their stories, utilize empathy and compassion to initiate a response. Observe their body language and mannerisms to figure out their struggle. Let them talk at their pace and listen attentively.

Once you have learned about their experiences, take note of all the problems and address them individually. While talking to such patients, use kind language with a soft and polite tone. Get into their shoes and look at life from their lens.

Give them a piece of workable and neutral advice. You can also share your own experience or similar experiences but do not make that the prime example. Advise people to write down their feelings in a journal, meditate and listen to self-help podcasts. You can also discuss the problems of these youngsters with their parents or guardians to increase their support system.

Furthermore, you can also participate in a workshop or a public event to address a large gathering of people on such topics.

Final thoughts

Mental illnesses take hold of a large population, yet there are not enough efforts to destigmatize them. As a passionate and sympathetic voice, you can aid your community in overcoming this problem.

You can educate yourself and your loved ones, volunteer for an organization, and participate in public events, non-profit organizations, and advocacy groups.

Overall, the fight for the rights of mental health patients must continue to protect and safeguard them against serious damage.

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